How-to build your own Kubernetes cluster with a Rasberry Pi 4.
Here's an overview on how-to build and configure a Kubenetes on 3 Rasberry Pi's
Part 2: Install and configure Ubuntu LTS 20.04 on a Rasberry Pi 4
Part 3: Install Kubernetes on a Rasberry Pi 4
Part 4: Install Loadbalancer Metallb on Kubernetes
Part 5: Install and Configure NGINX Ingress Controller
Part 6: Install and Configure Cert-manager for Let's Encrypt SSL certificates
Part 7: Install Kubectl on your Windows 10 client
Part 8: Install and Configure Kubernetes Dashboard
Part 9: Backup kubernetes with Velero & Minio
Part 10: How-To Configure static persistent volumes with a Synology NAS
Part 11: How-To Configure dynamic persistent volumes with a Synology NAS
Part 12: Deploy Heimdall - Yaml basics with ingress
Part 13: Replacing docker(shim) with containerd
Part 14: Deploy Plexserver - Yaml with advanced netwerking
Part 15: Deploy Nextcloud - Yaml with application and database container and a configure a secret
Part 16: Deploy Jellyfin (alternative to Plex) - New ingress yaml format
Part 17: How-to Upgrade Kubernetes cluster to newer version
Part 18: How-To Upgrade Kubernetes Nodes from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 LTS
Part 19: Use kubernetes ingress controller for sites outside kubernetes
Part 20: Deploy Prometheus and Grafana
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