MS Graph API Part 6: Send E-Mail


In this vlog series I will show you how you can use the Microsoft Graph API  ("Graph API") to manage Azure Active Directory. 

In this sixth epidose I will demonstrate with 2 examples how-to send e-mail message via the Microsoft Graph API. The first is a simple text format e-mail, the second is a more complex HTML message with an attachment.

The  AzureAD_GraphSendEmail.ps1 script  used in the video. Please modify the red parameters to your own values.

# Example file from
# Setup Microsoft 365 environment
# Microsoft graph api documentation:
# Base64 encode/decode

# Minimum Required API permission for execution
# Mail.ReadWrite
# Mail.Send

# Required Powershell Module for certificate authorisation
# Install-Module MSAL.PS 

# Connection information for Graph API connection - Certificate Based
$clientID = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" #  App Id MS Graph API Connector SPN
$TenantName = "<<tenantname>>" # Example
$TenantID = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" # Tenant ID 
$CertificatePath = "Cert:\LocalMachine\my\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Add the Certificate Path Including Thumbprint here e.g. cert:\currentuser\my\6C1EE1A11F57F2495B57A567211220E0ADD72DC1 >#
##Import Certificate
$Certificate = Get-Item $certificatePath
##Request Token
$TokenResponse = Get-MsalToken -ClientId $ClientId -TenantId $TenantId -ClientCertificate $Certificate
$TokenAccess = $TokenResponse.accesstoken

# Example 1: Send E-mail Message
$MailSenderUPN = ""
$SendMailBody = @{
	Message = @{
		Subject = "Test Message"
		Body = @{
			ContentType = "Text"
			Content =  "This is a test e-mail via Microsoft Graph API!"
		ToRecipients = @(
				EmailAddress = @{
					Address = ""
		CcRecipients = @(
			@{EmailAddress = @{
					Address = ""
			@{EmailAddress = @{
                    Address = ""
$SendMailUrl = "$MailSenderUPN/SendMail"
$SendMail = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $SendMailUrl -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($TokenAccess)" }  -Method Post -Body $($SendMailBody | convertto-json -depth 4) -ContentType "application/json"

# Example 2: Send E-mail Attachment
$MailSenderUPN = ""
$SendMailWithAttachentBody = @{
	Message = @{
		Subject = "HTML Test Message"
		Body = @{
			ContentType = "HTML"
			Content = "This is a test <b>e-mail</b> via Microsoft Graph API!"
		ToRecipients = @(
				EmailAddress = @{
					Address = ""
		Attachments = @(
				"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment"
				Name = "attachment.txt"
				ContentType = "text/plain"
				ContentBytes = "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"
$SendMailWithAttachmentUrl = "$MailSenderUPN/SendMail"
$SendMailWithAttachment = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $SendMailWithAttachmentUrl -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($TokenAccess)" }  -Method Post -Body $($SendMailWithAttachentBody  | convertto-json -depth 4) -ContentType "application/json"


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